Bascule Entertainment


Bascule Entertainment provides disability awareness training programs that empower businesses and organizations to become more inclusive.

Our bespoke training packages focus on fostering a new culture of equality and accessibility for employees and customers- regardless of industry or sector.

As well as guiding you in complying with The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other federal and state laws, our training and consultancy services help you develop a strategy around creating an accessible brand, allowing you to reap the rewards of inclusivity.

Our user-led, targeted interactive training also empowers businesses with new approaches to enhance workplace culture, offering methods to nurture a more empathetic, understanding, and supportive workforce.

Whether you are a film production company, or a corporate entity, we can guide you on your journey towards disability inclusion, helping you to establish a culture of understanding and openness for staff.

With a newfound focus, your brand will also receive recognition for inclusivity, allowing you to reach a new market whilst accessing untapped talent.

How we do it

Bascule Entertainment offers both on-line and in-house training packages that focus on your bespoke requirements. Through interactive modules and workshops, we concentrate on various aspects of disability, including terminology, use of language, enhancing customer service and client interactions, etiquette, confidence in communication, understanding disability, removing barriers in disability perception, US legislation, understanding the ADA, and best practice in developing inclusive business environments.

The outcomes of this training will:

  • Empower your staff with an enhanced understanding of disability

  • Increase levels of empathy within the workforce

  • Improve the quality and inclusivity of customer service across all methods of communication and interaction

  • Develop staff confidence around people with disabilities

  • Create a new cultural outlook on disability

  • Enable staff to be more supportive of colleagues

  • Present new ways to grow your market

  • Enhance recruitment appeal to potential employees

  • Increase staff retention

  • Create opportunities to positively publicise your business internally and externally

  • Protect your business from unfortunate misunderstandings that could lead to litigation or bad publicity


Bascule Entertainment founder, Chris Jay has worked in the disability awareness space for 15 years having founded a training organization in the UK called Bascule Disability Training (BDT)

BDT has provided inclusive training programs and consultancy services to organizations in banking, finance, retail, hospitality, and the education sector. Chris now brings his knowledge, experience, and renowned expertise to the US in a bid to further promote the benefits of inclusive and accessible business.

Get in touch

Contact us

If you are someone with a disability and you are interested in working with Bascule, send us a message.

contact us